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Construction of First Phase of South China Normal University (Shanwei Campus) was Completed and Put into Service on August 28th

3/9/2021 545次

 After more than 400 days and nights’ hard work, first phase of South China Normal University (Shanwei Campus) was Completed and put into service on August 28th (hereinafter SCNY-Shawei Caumpus) and SCNY-Shawei Caumpus will welcome its first batch of undergraduate on September 12th..

Surrounded with beautiful natural scenery, SCNY-Shawei Campus is located in Magong Street, Shanwei City. It covers an total area of about 133 hectares, which is sub-divided.into three phases with one phase of about 44 hectares. In terms of the sport facilities of the campus, there are 12 standard basketball courts, 10 badminton courts one standard running track and field and swimming pool facilities. The 12 basketball courts and 10 badminton courts have been completed and will serve the teaching and daily life needs of the first batch of teachers and students in the new semester.
Base Construction for Sport Courts (June 28th 2021)

Concrete Base Grinding Before Applying the SPU Sport Floor Material----Basketball Court Area (July 24th 2021)


12 Outdoor SPU Basketball Courts Completed and Handover (August 28th, 2021)
10 Outdoor SPU Badminton Courts Completed and Handover (August 28th, 2021)






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